
Discover all Mitwit's news in France, Belgium and Switzerland.

A lot is happening at Mitwit ! New workspaces, new adresses, partnerships, events, advantages, special offers...All our online news to help you (tele)work happy !

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    • 23/08/2021

    SMILE@WORK WEEK | A week to feel good at work in the office and at home

    From 20 to 24 September, enjoy a range of webinars on how to work happier as well as well-being activities in all Multiburo locations. Everything is free!

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    • 03/06/2021

    SUMMER SALES | Summer is free at Multiburo, take advantage of it!

    Set up now and only start paying in September. Ideal for preserving your cash flow, bringing your staff together over the summer and preparing for the return to work.

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    • 28/05/2021
    • seo.listing_locale.title France

    BASE CAMP | A tailor-made offer for more and more property flexibility!

    What if you could reduce your expenses by flexibly adapting your m² to your real needs, while offering your employees a place to gather?

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    • 05/05/2021
    • seo.listing_locale.title Belgium

    Bouncing back for a better start, Multiburo Belgium joins forces with ReLOAD and Revival Belgium

    Because bankruptcy does not always mean failure, Multiburo is joining forces with ReLOAD and Revival Belgium to support entrepreneurs in Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels.

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    • 27/04/2021
    • seo.listing_locale.title Belgium

    Multiburo partners with Aion Bank to support its entrepreneur customers.

    In order to offer you even more services, Multiburo has teamed up with Aion Bank, the 100% digital bank.

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    • 30/03/2021

    Welcome to the era of video meetings!

    Enjoy smooth and enjoyable meetings with the new Multiburo audio/video conference equipment.

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seo.listing_locale.title Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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