Privacy policy

The consultation of all pages of the site, to which the site e-Tempo is also attached (hereinafter together "the Site") is possible without you having to reveal your identity or any other personal information about yourself. Nevertheless, in order to allow you to use certain functions or services of our Site ("Services"), we need to collect personal information about you.

The Services include in particular:

  • Online booking of a meeting room or office via our e-Tempo service;
  • The sending of contact forms in order to be called back by one of our commercial agents or to obtain information with regards to our services and products.

Transparency regarding the data we collect about you, their protection and confidentiality are essential and at the heart of our concerns. With the entry into force of the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 applicable from 25 May 2018 ("the European Regulation"), these confidentiality and transparency commitments have found a new focus in our concerns and we hope that this Privacy Policy accurately reflects this state of mind. In accordance with the regulations in force applicable to the processing of personal data, namely the the European Regulation and any implementing legislation, we provide you hereinafter with the required legal information.

1. What information do we collect?

For the first use of the e-Tempo service, you must create your conditions of connection or use of the Service by giving us your first and last name, e-mail address, your telephone number and the name of your company. Afterwards, you will be able to connect to the Service with the personal ID and the password that you have created. If you are already a MULTIBURO customer, you can log in with your customer number and email.

To use our contact request service, you are asked to provide your first and last name, e-mail address, your city, your telephone number and the name of your company.

This data, namely: your username, your e-mail address, your name and surname, your telephone number and your customer number are personal data that we treat under the European Regulation and are essential for the use of our Services.

To comply with our legal obligations under the national and European anti-money laundering legislation, MULTIBURO is obliged to identify its clients and their beneficiaries. As a result, we will request certain information and documents about the Customer and / or consult suitable databases for this purpose. This may possibly include evidence of source of funds, at the outset of and possibly from time to time throughout our relationship with Customers, which we may request and/or obtain from third party sources. The sources for such verification may comprise documentation which we request from you or through the use of online sources or both. We will retain the relevant personal information as mentioned above for at least five years from the date of our last interaction with that Customer and in compliance with our obligations under the EU General Data Protection Regulation or similar legislation around the world, or for longer as we are required to do so according to our regulatory obligations or professional indemnity obligations. We may then destroy such files without further notice or liability.

2.For what purpose do we collect this information,
for how long and to whom do we transmit it?

The processing of your personal data is intended to enable you to use our Services and to benefit from their functionalities, free of charge. This processing also allows you to identify yourself when you use our e-Tempo service and enables us to answer you and/or contact you when you make a request for information via our "Express Request" section. This processing also allows you to identify and collect the necessary billing data when you book a meeting room online via our website All your personal data that we collect as part of the online payment of this Service are also subject to this. For each information field, we strive to indicate whether it must be mandatory or whether it is optional information. You always have the option to not send us information by choosing not to use the service or function for which this information is required. We will then not be able to offer you this service or function. These data are kept for the duration of the contractual relationship with the MULTIBURO group if you are a customer. Then these data are kept for an additional ten years for our archives and legal and administrative obligations.

In other cases, these data are kept for the duration of use of the Service, then a complementary period of two years. The recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data thus collected are the employees of our business centers, including our IT and marketing departments.

3.Use of your personal data for advertising
and commercial purposes

In accordance with Belgian and European legislation, and with your consent when required, we may use the data you provide to us via the Services you subscribe to for the purpose of presenting our other or new services, sending our newsletter, invitation to events or any other communication that may interest you.

You may at any time withdraw your consent to such mailings by unchecking the box in your account or by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided in each of our communications

4. Where are your data hosted?

The personal data that we collect through your use of our Services are stored in the European Union and are not transmitted for processing to third parties other than those referred to in point 2. above.

We specify that, for prospecting, the data are hosted in the United States by our software publisher ORACLE, which is certified in data security policy recognized by the European Commission under the name "Privacy Shield".

Your personal data may however be given to an authority or administrative entity or any other person to:

- comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations;
- protect the rights or property of the MULTIBURO Group or our customers, including the application of these terms of use and to note any possible breaches;
- detect, avoid or treat fraudulent acts that would be made on the Site;
- protect us or act as soon as we believe in good faith that such access or disclosure is necessary to protect the personal safety of Site users, employees and clients of the MULTIBURO Group or the public.

In such case, we undertake to disclose only the personal data strictly required in the context of Belgian and European regulations.

5. How do we ensure the confidentiality and security
of your personal data?

We take all appropriate precautions to protect your personal information of which the confidentiality and security are essential to us. We put all our best efforts to protect this data to a degree of security in accordance with the standards and practices in force. Thus, when you are connected to the Services, the secure protocol "https" is present on each page of the site where you browse. In addition, each of our employees signs a data protection and data confidentiality charter in which he undertakes to process only the data of natural persons strictly related to his client portfolio or his missions and position.

Finally, the data we collect are hosted, backed up and archived using hardware and secure protocols, regularly checked and monitored daily to ensure the security of the information system.

6. What are your rights to your personal ?

Where provided by Belgian and European law, you have the right to obtain a copy of your personal data that we hold (right of access). Before responding to your request, we may verify your identity and ask you to provide us with more information to respond to your request. We will endeavor to respond to your request within a reasonable time and, in any case, within the deadlines set by Belgian and European legislation.You also have, with regard to your personal data, the right to request the correction or deletion of these or a limitation of their treatment, or the right to oppose to the treatment, or the right to portability of your data.These rights are exercised within the framework and limits of the European Regulation.

Please note that we may retain certain information about you when required by Belgian or European law or when we have a legitimate reason to do so. This is for example the case, if we consider that you have committed fraud or violated our Terms of Use and that we wish to avoid that you bypass the rules applicable to the Site. In addition, you agree to provide us on our Site, for the use of our Services, complete, accurate, valid and up-to-date information. We remind you that you can close your account or unsubscribe from our Services at any time.You also have the right to set guidelines regarding the fate of your personal data after your death. To exercise your rights, contact us as described in article 10 below. Finally, the European Regulation allows you to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority, which is in Belgium the DPA, Data Protection Authority, located at Rue de la Presse, 35, 1000 Brussels.

7. Cookies and similar technologies

For more information, see the section Legal notice.

8. Confidentiality of your password

You are responsible for the confidentiality of the password you have chosen to create your account and access our Services. You agree to keep this password secret and to not communicate it to anyone or to restrict its communication to your personnel who benefit from our Services, this communication being then under your full responsibility.

9. Links to other websites and social networks

Our Site may occasionally contain links to the websites of our partners or third parties. Please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we are not responsible for the use made by these sites of the information collected when you click on these links. We invite you to read the privacy policies of these sites before transmitting your personal data.

10. Modification of our privacy policy
Request with regards to your personal data

We may occasionally modify this Privacy Policy. When necessary, we will notify you and / or seek your consent. We advise you to check this page regularly for any changes or updates to our privacy policy.

11. Data Controller and Data Protection Officer

Data Controller:
« Le Sheratan », 27 bis Avenue des Sources
69 009 LYON ; RCS Lyon n° 345 250 153
Represented by its CEO, Mrs Valérie GUEULLE
Data Protection Officer:
Sir Laurent Reynaud
« Le Sheratan », 27 bis Avenue des Sources
69 009 LYON
Privacy policy Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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