Legal informations

The website is published by the MULTIBURO company on behalf of itself and its subsidiaries.

General management : 60 avenue Charles de Gaulle
Tel. : 01 72 92 05 01 - Fax : 01 72 92 05 60

Head office : 27 bis avenue des Sources 69009 LYON
SIREN 345 250 153 Lyon
Share capital : 4 212 080 €
VAT n° FR88345250153

Responsible for publication : Stéphanie Auxenfans

The general terms and conditions may be subject to modifications. We advise you to consult them before making any use of this website.
These conditions are considered accepted and known to all internet users using the website

Operator of the website :

21 Avenue de la Créativité
59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

+33 (0)3 28 800 300

General Terms of Use of the Website

Applicable law/jurisdiction

This website is subject to French Law.
In case of dispute, the competent court is the Commercial Court of Paris

Intellectual Property Rights

This website is subject to the legislation on intellectual property (articles L.111.1 and following of the Code of Intellectual Property). The content, photographs, visuals and graphic charts are the property of the MULTIBURO company, with the creators of the website (Eurelis) having transferred the entire property of their creations to the MULTIBURO company.

Use and restrictions of the website

The use, in particular for commercial and advertising purposes, of screen capturing images and text contained in this website is prohibited without written authorization by MULTIBURO. All use of the website and its content is strictly prohibited, including, without being limited to: the modification, withdrawal, removal, transmission, publication, distribution, use of a hidden server, downloading onto a server, display, redistribution, sublicensing, sale, copying, reissuing or any other form of dissemination without the express written consent of the Multiburo group. You may not under any circumstances use framing techniques with the aim of inserting marks or logos of the Multiburo group, nor may you use metatags or any other hidden text without our prior written consent. The use of scanning engines, of robots and tools for collecting and extracting analogue data is expressly prohibited.

You are authorised to consult and print a copy of the content displayed on the website and to download a copy of all content reserved for downloading for strict personal use; however, you are not authorized to modify the content in any way, including, without being limited to: removing or modifying any mention of copyright or of property. This right of utilization via copy or downloading does not in any case constitute a transfer of rights and title to the property of the content.


This website contains hyperlinks to other websites. MULTIBURO is not responsible for information and content for which a link has been provided. These links are provided with the aim to inform the internet user of the websites that potentially have a relation to the companies' services.

MULTIBURO products and services

This website is a presentation of the products and services offered by MULTIBURO and its subsidiaries. The description made thereof in this website may be subject to modifications and is given for your information. Each agency and subsidiary of MULTIBURO does not commercialize the entirety of the offer.


The material displayed on our website is supplied without warranty, conditions or statements regarding the exactitude or comprehensiveness. To the extent permissible by applicable law, we expressly exclude any liability incurred by any user in relation to our website and in relation to the use, inability to use, or the results of use of our website, websites linked thereto and any material published there, including, without limitation, all liability for (i) loss or direct, indirect or consecutive damages, (ii) loss of profit or revenue, (iii) loss of business, (iv) loss of profits or of contracts, (v) loss of anticipated savings, (vi) loss of data, (vii) loss of goodwill, (viii) loss of working time or management and (ix) for any loss or damage of any kind, even if brought forth or caused by a breach of general laws (included the failure to act according to the reasonable duty of care), breach of contract or otherwise, even if foreseeable.

Under no circumstances do we exclude or limit our liability in case of death or personal injury, of fraud or wilful intent, or to the extent our liability may not be excluded or limited under applicable law.

Scope of application of the General Terms of Use of the website

The services delivered through the use of our website are subject to the General Services Terms.

Prohibited use of the website

You must not use the website in an illegitimate manner, for illegitimate purposes, or in a manner incompatible with the General Terms and Conditions of the Website, or act in a fraudulent or malicious manner, for example, by transmitting any material containing viruses, harmful data, or any code conceived with a view to negatively affect the functioning of the website.

You must not use automated systems, software or any other method with the aim to extract data from the website for commercial purposes (also known as "screen scraping").

Protection of personal data - Privacy Policy

Transparency regarding the data we collect, their protection and confidentiality are essential and at the heart of our concerns.

To view our privacy policy, click here.


In order to maintain the trust you give us when visiting our websites, we wish to inform you on our stance on the processing personal data. While visiting one of our websites, a cookie may be installed on your device.

What is a cookie ?

A cookie is a bloc of data allowing to register information related to your browsing without identifying you as such. This permits the analysis of visit rate with a view to improve the quality of our websites.

As user, you have the right to access, modify, rectify, or delete personal data transmitted through the use of a cookie, under the conditions set out below.

Types of cookies used by Multiburo

Multiburo uses on its website both First Party cookies, i.e. cookies placed on the website by Multiburo itself, as well as Third Party Cookies, i.e. cookies placed on the website by a third party service provider.

First Party Cookies

The First Party Cookies used by Multiburo are session cookies, i.e. cookies used to identify the web user and maintain the session, and are necessary to the proper functioning of the website. They are preserved for the duration of the session.

Third party cookies

Third party cookies are used by Multiburo's partners and service providers. Certain cookies are exempted from user consent, because they are necessary to the website's functions, other cookies installation (advertising) can be accepted or declined by users.

Cookies exempted from consent : 

  • Eloqua : These cookies are necessary for the website's form to display and work properly. This also give us the possibility to collect the data regarding users making a request on the website, so we can get in contact with them. They are being stocked during 2 years. They are being stocked during 2 years.
  • Google Analytics : These cookies enable us to evaluate how you and other web users use our website and navigate through it. The information collected is essential to help us improve our website's functionalities. They can be stocked during a period from 30 min to 2 years.

Cookies which you have the possibility to accept or decline installation : 

  • Facebook : Facebook's pixel is an analysis tool which offers us the possibility to measure our advertising's efficiency and follow web user's interactions with our website.
  • Linkedin : Linkedin's pixel enables us to collect data on how users engage with our Linkedin Ads advertising, to retarget our website's users, create similar audiences, follow web conversions and optimise ou advertising campaign, or analyse professional characteristics of our web visitors.
  • Google Ads : This cookies offers the possibility to follow the conversions generated by our ads and recover data coming from web user profiles (for instance : age, gender, geographical localisation) and so retarget visitors with customised advertisings. This cookie is being stocked during 13 month by Google.

Your rights

You may choose to accept the storing of cookies on your device and come back on that decision at any point in time by changing the parameters of your web browser. Depending on the web browser, you will have the following options:

  • accept/reject cookies of any origin or of a specific source
  • program the display of a message asking you to consent each time a cookie is stored on your device

Once you have accepted the storage of cookies on your device, you may consult the help menu or the dedicated section of your web browser to come back on your decision. This information is accessible via:

  • Internet Explorer™
  • Safari™
  • Chrome™
  • Firefox™
  • Opera™

For further information and a grasp of cookies present on your device, we invite you to consult the website Youronlinechoices, published by the Interactive Advertising Bureau of France (IAB).

Legal informations Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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