Domiciliation in Lille Marcq-en-Baroeul, a prestigious registered business address
Meet Capucine !

She is Multiburo Marcq-en-Baroeu'sl Manager. She will advise you on the best domiciliation solution for your company.

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A nice address for your company in Marcq-en-Baroeul

Opt for a company domiciliation at Multiburo Lille North (Marcq): we offer you an easily accessible address by public transport, in the heart of the city, very close to Lille. Bring some visibility to your businessin just 24h your domiciliation is activated with many services included in our offers : phone call reception, mail management, access to our workspaces....and much more !  

Tailor-made services for your company ! 

Capucine and her team provide you with all the services of a virtual office on a daily basis to relieve you of administrative tasks. Their goal: to make your professional life easier and to offer you the best possible domiciliation experience! 

Discover also :
Domiciliation in Lille Marcq-en-Baroeul, a prestigious registered business address

Domiciliation experts at your service

  • Management, forwarding, scanning of your mail
  • Registered mail management
  • Personalised calls/messages reception
  • Administrative assistance
  • Accounting, financial and legal accompaniment
  • Company creation and management support
Domiciliation in Lille Marcq-en-Baroeul, a prestigious registered business address

Discover all our solutions for pros in Marcq-en-Baroeul

Multiburo Lille North (Marcq) provides inspiring workspaces, in which you’ll have the possibility either to work or register your business address. Come and discover for 1 hour, 1 day, or all year long our coworking space, serviced offices or meeting rooms and choose which solution suits you best ! All our workspaces are modular for a flexible duration. 

At Multiburo you can enjoy events to develop your network, business and share convivial moments all year long with other professionals ! Conferences, workshops, animations and all the events on site, in our workspaces. 

A hyper-accessible place in Marcq-en-Baroeul

Multiburo Lille North (Marcq) is located in northern Lille, 1 hour from Paris by TGV ! You are in the heart of Grands Boulevards area, 5 min by car from the city center with the tramway at the bottom of the building. Multiburo is also easily accessible by car with the A22 exit being very close and a private car park on site. 

Multiburo Lille North (Marcq)

165 avenue de la Marne
59700 Marcq-en-Baroeul

+33 (0)3 63 22 00 22

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Our other solutions in Marcq-en-Baroeul

Discover Mitwit in France, Belgium and Switzerland

Domiciliation in Lille Marcq-en-Baroeul, a prestigious registered business address Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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