Frequently asked questions


1. What is the difference between a coworking space and a private office?

A coworking is an open and collaborative workspace, equipped with shared offices and other companies or organizations. Coworking spaces offer various configurations and work atmospheres with the possibility to collaborate, network and reunite or simply to work in a calm setting. Coworking also differs from its accessibility, its advantageous prix and access to a professional community that regularly reunites around animations and events. It is an ideal solution to develop your business and meet other professionals. The private office is, as its name says is a private, closed office with one or more desks, dedicated to one company’s coworkers. The private office offers calm and confidentiality with the possibility to personalize the workspace coworking is an open and collaborative workspace, equipped with shared offices and other companies or organizations. Coworking spaces offer various configurations and work atmospheres with the possibility to collaborate, network and reunite or simply to work in a calm setting. Coworking also differs from its accessibility, its advantageous prix and access to a professional community that regularly reunites around animations and events. It is an ideal solution to develop your business and meet other professionals. The private office is, as its name says is a private, closed office with one or more desks, dedicated to one company’s coworkers. The private office offers calm and confidentiality with the possibility to personalize the workspace.

2. What are coworking advantages?

Coworking is a convenient, economical, and very accessible solution that corresponds to many professional needs: a telework alternative to home office, work near home by avoiding public transport, work a few hours just before taking your train, enjoy a workspace when traveling, meet other professionals and develop your business…. It is a plug & work solution with a great Wifi connexion, on site services and the possibility to network. With à la carte or subscription, our coworking spaces offer various work atmospheres, private bubbles for your calls and appointments, access to a Café Central, many networking events and services on site. Less expensive and more flexible than a private office, coworking is a solution perfectly adapted to start-up, company creators, freelance needs, to many salaries that practice telework.

3. Is it possible to access a coworking space just for a day?

Absolutely! We welcome you with a smile in all our coworking spaces, so you can come work for an hour, a day, a week, a month or more. You choose the formula and duration that best suits you. Multiburo’s coworking spaces are accessible with a monthly subscription or à la carte, without any engagement. For more information, you can consult our offers here.

4. Which subscription formulas are available for coworking?

Multiburo coworking spaces are accessible à la carte or with a monthly subscription, without any engagement. Our offers have been thought out to suit any possible need:

  • à la carte: for an hour, a day or a week
  • With a monthly subscription: unlimited pass, or a 10-day pass per month.

Our monthly subscriptions are accessible on the entire Multiburo network. As a coworking member, you will have access freely to all our coworking spaces whenever you need it. Come and work the way you want, depending on your activity! Our teams will be able to bring you advice so to find the best solution adapted to your needs.

5. May I start my subscription whenever I want?

Absolutely! You have the possibility to start your subscription at the date you choose to. Your subscription will be tacitly renewed each month at the same date that you have started. You have the possibility to stop your subscription any time by respecting the monthly payment. Need to discover more about it? Our teams are at your disposal from Monday til Friday 8h30 until 5pm (France : +33 (0)1 72 92 06 60 | Belgium : +32 (0)2 403 11 09 | Switzerland : +41 (0) 22 561 84 84).

6. How can I subscribe to a coworking workspace?

To subscribe to a Multiburo coworking spaces, nothing’s simpler. Book an appointment to the address of your choice. Our team will be very happy to show you around the workspaces and will bring you all the necessary information so you can choose the subscription that is best adapted to your need. If you cannot come on site, our teams are at your service Monday until Friday 8h30 til 5 pm (France: +33 (0)1 72 92 06 60 | Belgium : +32 (0)2 403 11 09 | Switzerland : +41 (0) 22 561 84 84). To discover all our coworking Sports and make a request, you can contact us here.

7. When can I access the coworking spaces?

Our coworking spaces are accessible any time during opening hours. For more information about your Coworking Space’s opening hours, we invite you to reach out to the concerned Multiburo’s team. Outside opening hours, the access to Multiburo workspaces is secured, with a badge or a code depending on the address, with an alarm or a video surveillance. If you wish to access the coworking space, you have the possibility to make a request directly to our teams on site.

8. Is it possible to organize a meeting in a coworking space?

You need to organize a professional event through Visio conference, a business call, a team meeting or have an appointment with a client or prospect? Use our private bubbles, available in all our coworking spaces. Accessible on demand, for a 1-hour slot, they are at the disposal of all Multiburo coworkers. To book a slot, please ask Multiburo’s reception. If you organize a team meeting, a brainstorm, a training, a showroom, or any other professional event with more than 3 people, for half a day, a full day, our 150 meeting rooms available through the Multiburo network are at your disposal. Find the best meeting room for your need.

9. May I do make phone calls in a coworking space?

Yes, you have the possibility to make a phone call in all our coworking spaces. Our shared office spaces have been thought out for the comfort of all our users. Also, as a Multiburo Coworking client, you will have access to private bubbles which are available in each workspace offering you the possibility to do confidential phone calls, without disturbing the other coworkers! It is possible to book them for a 1-hour slot. You also have the possibility to access Multiburo’s Café Central and common areas.

10. May I organize an appointment with a person that is exterior to our coworking space ?

If you have opted for a Multiburo Coworking space subscription, you have the possibility to meet your clients, prospects, partners in private bubbles that are available for this use. The booking of a private bubble is directly possible at your Multiburo’s reception or online (ask your Multiburo’s team the link for accessing the platform). The bubbles are accessible during a 1 hour limit every day, so that all coworkers can use them. Of course, if all the slots haven’t been booked, you will have the possibility to use them more than 1 hour per day. If you wish to organize a more formal or longer meeting? Our 150 meeting rooms are at your disposal in the entire network. For a day, half a day, find the workspace that is best suited for you on

11. May I access Multiburo coworking spaces whenever I need it?

As a Multiburo client, you can access all of Multiburo’s network Coworking spaces, whenever you need it, in an unlimited way. To discover more about your Coworking Space’s opening hours, we invite you to contact Multiburo’s team to its address. To find out more about our addresses in France, Belgium and Switzerland it is here.

12. Do coworking spaces benefit from a kitchen or a cafeteria?

All our workspaces offer a Café Central with all necessary equipment for you breakfasts and lunches and relaxing breaks (refrigerators, microwaves, dish washers, cutlery, dishes, water fountains, glasses, mugs…). When hungry for a snack, we offer hot and cold drinks as well as food. Ask directly to the onsite team at the front desk.

13. Are there storage areas in coworking spaces?

You can subscribe to a monthly offer, so to have the possibility to stock your personal belongings in a private locker requiring an access code.

14. Do coworking spaces offer the possibility to install or rent a screen or any other IT equipment?

Yes some Coworking spaces, offer the possibility to rent a 24 inches screen for a day or a month*, with a USB/HDMI hub, so you can work in the best possible conditions. For more information, we invite you to reach out to our teams available on your Multiburo workspace.

*24 inches screen, 1080x1920 resolution, HDMI or USB-C connexion

FAQ : coworking, shared offices to rent with Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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