BASE CAMP | A tailor-made offer for more and more property flexibility!

What if you could reduce your expenses by flexibly adapting your m² to your real needs, while offering your employees a place to gather?

  • 28/05/2021
  • BASE CAMP | A tailor-made offer for more and more property flexibility! - Multiburo France
BASE CAMP | A tailor-made offer for more and more property flexibility! - Multiburo

Reduce your property costs by adapting your m² to your real needs!

Perpetuation of teleworking, flex office, rationalisation of m², preservation of cash flow, cost savings... Our economic situation reveals real estate issues of a previous nature for companies.

How to maintain telework while ensuring team cohesion? And if the office/telework mix is maintained, how do we optimise surface areas and workstations? How to get together?

One thing is certain: the office, as a social place, remains an essential! So how do you combine cost reduction, legal obligations, and team cohesion when teleworking?

Benefit from this tailor-made modular formula!

With Base Camp, you will enjoy:

  • A great business address for your company
  • A flexible office to work, store and organise meetings
  • A weekly meeting room to bring your team together

And you have access to all the Multiburo social areas and networking events!

Learn more about flexible offices

Our Multiburo advisors are here to help you with your property flexibility!

+33 (0)1 72 92 06 60  Contact them by email

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BASE CAMP | A tailor-made offer for more and more property flexibility! - Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 00
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It’s in good hands. Those of our flexible real estate advisors: offices, coworking, meetings and domiciliation.

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