Coworking: finding shared work spaces in Belgium

Find a coworking space in Brussels, Antwerp or Wavre to work in the heart of Europe. Develop your business in the heart of Europe. Belgium offers ideal international connections for workers who are often on the move.

  • 03/01/2023
Coworking in Belgium - Brussels, Antwerp and Wavre

Coworking in belgium, in figures

Coworking is a fast-growing market in Belgium! Indeed, according to the Belgian Workspace Association (BWA), in 2005, appears what is called "the new working methods". The growth of the sites accelerated from 5 to 10% in 5 years, and increased to 20% in the following years.  

In 2020, the exceptional crisis due to Covid stopped the growth and led to center closures. But by 2021, the market has regained its potential and is now forecasting growth of about 20% per year to occupy 20-30% of the office market by 2030. IN 2022, there were more than 500 centers, which is double the number from the first analysis conducted in 2014 by BWA.  

Discover our coworking solutions in Belgium

45% of belgian workers believe their work is compatible with telecommuting

But telecommuting is not for everyone!  

Better productivity, creativity and more freedom, the benefits are numerous! Why shouldn't you do without if you are a Belgian worker or just passing through Belgium? We tell you everything!  

COWORKing in brussels, a central and strategic location in the heart of europe

Brussels is the political and economic capital of the European Union. This is where the political bodies of Europe and the headquarters of many international institutions, as well as lobbying firms, embassies, associations and federations gather. So many key players who make the heart of Europe beat and to whom it can be judicious, when starting a business, to approach.   

Geographically, Brussels is one of the cities in Europe with the best location: Paris is less than an hour and a half away by train. London and Amsterdam are 2 hours away. Not to mention the Brussels airports which offer numerous daily connections to the major European capitals.  

Brussels is a must-see destination for European workers and is an ideal location to develop your business, both locally and internationally!  

All the advantages of coworking spaces in Brussels

BRUsselS : business districts and strategic location

Thanks to its international outlook and central location, the Belgian capital welcomes young international workers looking for new professional experiences in the heart of Europe. 

With the establishment of European institutions and numerous international companies, there is no lack of business districts in the city. This has not escaped Multiburo's attention and we offer you 3 choice addresses in Brussels to cowork whenever you want, according to your needs:  

- In the European district, where you can go and network during the Thursday night afterworks at Place du Luxembourg.  

- On Avenue Louise, the most prestigious thoroughfare in the city, where you can cowork alongside many international companies. 

- And in the area of Gare Centrale towards Sablon which is located in the heart of the city and 2 steps away from the Palais de Justice. The coworking space is located on the 14th floor of the Sablon Tower, where you will enjoy a breathtaking view of the capital.  


Since its establishment in Belgium, Multiburo has developed a vast network of companies and entrepreneurs in Brussels, but also in Flanders and Wallonia

The port of Antwerp is one of the largest ports in Europe and in the world, representing the main economic activity of the city and a real gateway to Europe. The Antwerp Multiburo is - literally - 2 minutes walking distance from the central station. Ideal for coworking for 1 hour or more. Or to make an appointment with a potential client!  

Wavre Nord is an industrial zone in the heart of Walloon Brabant. Multiburo is located in the center of a high-tech office complex that hosts many Belgian and international companies. An economic activity zone offering numerous business opportunities to develop your company and your activities. 

the multiburo network

Coworking in our Spots is also taking advantage of the expertise of our members and the flexibility of our subscriptions. You are a freelancer or start-up creator based in Brussels or on a mission and you are looking for a comfortable and quiet spot to work whenever you want? Our Spots are without commitment of duration and adapt to your activity! 

You want to know more about our Coworking Spots? Contact our team! 

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Coworking in Belgium - Brussels, Antwerp and Wavre Switzerland
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