Let’s meet again! Organise your meetings in total freedom at Multiburo

Pssst... Face-to-face meetings are back on trend. So make the most of it, come and meet in the 150 Multiburo spaces in France, Belgium and Switzerland!

  • 07/03/2022
Let’s meet again! Organise your meetings in total freedom at Multiburo - Multiburo

For weeks, or even months, due to the health crisis and teleworking, you have had to deal with the art of the remote meeting. While some of you have become experts on Teams, Zoom, Google Meet or WebEx, others have come back and are looking forward to the return of live meetings! Because exchanging via screens can be useful, but it doesn't replace the direct contact, spontaneous exchange, and release of ideas that a face-to-face meeting allows.

Let’s meet again in complete freedom at Multiburo!

150 meeting spaces at your disposal!

Whether it's a meeting room, a business office, a coaching office, a meeting room, a creative space, or a seminar room, at Multiburo you'll always find the ideal space for your business event.

A la carte, by the day or by the half-day, find your ideal meeting space in a few clicks on the Multiburo network in France, Belgium, and Switzerland!

>> Find your room

Meeting spaces in the heart of major railway stations

Bring your teams together in a central and highly accessible location in Paris, Lille, Lyon, Antwerp... You save time, avoid public transport, facilitate access for everyone and enjoy a unique location!

Discover our meeting rooms in the heart of railway stations:

  • Paris Gare de Lyon
  • Paris Gare Montparnasse
  • Paris Gare Saint-Lazare
  • Lille Flandres Station
  • Lyon Part-Dieu Station
  • Antwerp Central Station

>> Discover Multiburo meeting rooms in train stations

Let your creativity run wild in our Creative Rooms

Want a meeting that's out of the box? Need to break the "traditional" aspect of meetings?
Discover our Creative Rooms!

Bright, designer rooms, fully modular and fully equipped for creative and original meetings that adapt to your needs. Ideal for your team meetings and brainstorming sessions!

>> More info on Creative rooms here

A meeting that mixes face-to-face and video?

It's easy to bring your teams together wherever they are with Multiburo Visio!
Are you in a team and organising a meeting with one or more remote employees?
Opt for the quality of image and sound with the Multiburo Visio solution!

>> Ask for more info on Multiburo Visio

On-site services for a unique meeting experience

You are unique, so for you, we are Multi!
Catering, equipment, and materials, help with preparation, specific fittings... our teams are at your side to help you organise your professional events!

Book your room in a few clicks

See you soon on the Multiburo network!

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Let’s meet again! Organise your meetings in total freedom at Multiburo - Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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