Multiburo joins the Welcome to the Jungle adventure!

It's official, Multiburo is now part of the Welcome to the Jungle community! Discover our profile, our team and our job opportunities.

  • 01/12/2021
  • Multiburo joins the Welcome to the Jungle adventure!  - Multiburo France
Multiburo joins the Welcome to the Jungle adventure!  - Multiburo

Visit our online gallery to discover our talents and get to know our staff!

Do you know Welcome to the Jungle? It's a unique digital employer and recruitment platform that connects candidates and recruiters.

This week, Multiburo has joined the WTTJ community and now has a company page that brings together key information such as the year we were founded, our values, our social networks and photos of our workspaces and our employees. You will also find our latest job offers detailed with a description of the position, the company and the profile we are looking for.

In addition, short interviews will give you an insight into our professions and our teams! A good opportunity to get to know each other virtually and to confirm your interest in our company or not 😉

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Multiburo joins the Welcome to the Jungle adventure!  - Multiburo Switzerland
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