Multiburo launches Connect'Team, a private coworking for teleworking teams

Bring your teams together easily and regularly in a customised space, whenever you need it!

  • 14/04/2022
hybrud work office and telework rent a flexible office

Are your teams teleworking? 100% or a few days a week? Are you looking for a solution to bring them together?

As we have all seen, teleworking is becoming more widespread and involves new work organisations. But one thing is certain, working in a team requires regular meetings to maintain social links, to feel involved and integrated into the company and to make effective progress on projects.

That's why Multiburo, an expert in flexible workspaces and coworking for over 35 years, has developed its latest formula: CONNECT'TEAM! We explain it all to you...


The idea behind CONNECT'TEAM is to have a private coworking space for one or two days a week! We provide your teams with a dedicated, comfortable and fully equipped room and they have all the services and amenities on site.

CONNECT'TEAM adapts to all team sizes and provides the right space tailored to your needs: all together in a central location, in a U-shape for better concentration, in small islands to allow for small group discussions.

You choose the frequency and duration of use: for example, two fixed days a week, or two whole weeks in a row. And you can change the number of people whenever you want: for example, by integrating ten or so people the first week and twenty the following week... anything is possible!

And if some of the staff remain at a distance, the team can take advantage of the Visio Multiburo offer: audio and video equipment guaranteeing optimal sound and image quality.

Welcome to the new hybrid job where everything is flexible!

Would you like to know more about CONNECT'TEAM?

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