[PRESS RELEASE] Multiburo continues its development with La Poste Immobilier

An acquisition that gives a new impetus with reinforced European ambitions and great prospects for our teams and customers!

  • 19/07/2022
multiburo joins la poste immobilier group

La Poste Immobilier, the real estate arm of Le Groupe La Poste, has acquired Multiburo, a leader in coworking and a trendsetter in flexible real estate. With this acquisition, La Post Immobilier, who is already the majority shareholder of Startway, consolidates its services in the coworking sector with a strong ambition: to develop a network of more than 100 sites supported by an innovative service offering by 2027, and thus becoming a European leader in the coworking and business centre market.

The complementary nature of the two companies, Multiburo and Startway, backed by a common shareholder, will immediately help to create a comprehensive network of more than 50 sites with ideal locations in France, Belgium and Switzerland. The transaction will also boost their respective service offerings for the benefit of their various types of customers, contribute to the development of management contract solutions, as well as provide access to Le Groupe La Poste’s local and digital offers and services.

Multiburo, a perfectly located network for European business customers

Founded in 1985, Multiburo is a leading player in the coworking space market with 23 sites in France, Belgium and Switzerland. The company has already started to grow in Europe with 6 centers in Belgium and Switzerland. Multiburo provides equipped private offices, meeting rooms, coworking spaces and, above all, a range of associated services to a large portfolio of clients from all sectors, from start-ups to multinationals. Multiburo has established itself in its market thanks to a highly efficient business model, focused on service and reinforced by the diversity of its locations. Its geographical mix (train stations, business districts, prestigious addresses and outskirts), balanced between Paris, the regions, Belgium and Switzerland, has resulted in a high occupancy rate for its centers.

For Stéphanie Auxenfans, CEO of Multiburo, “Working patterns are changing and companies are looking for greater versatility and flexibility for their offices and employees. Joining La Poste Immobilier, whose value of attention to detail and services we fully share, is an excellent growth prospect for Multiburo. Driven by this new support, we look forward to improving our ability to offer the possibility of working wherever we want and whenever we want!”

The tertiary sector, a strategic challenge for La Poste Immobilier

La Poste Immobilier manages a large segment of tertiary assets, notably a tertiary real estate portfolio of more than 600,000 m² across more than 150 sites. At the same time, Le Groupe La Poste is trialling a scalable tertiary workspace concept at the Group’s head office in Paris, as well as in around 12 postal sites in regional metropolitan areas.

The new entity, composed of two established players in the coworking market, Multiburo and Startway, therefore offers major potential for growth and innovation for La Poste Immobilier in a post-Covid context which is reconsidering the positioning of third-party sites – generators of social ties – in the regions, between the traditional office-based model and that of remote working.

For Rémi Feredj, CEO of La Poste Immobilier and Head of Le Groupe La Poste’s real estate: “This acquisition is of strategic importance as it allows us to expand in the flourishing coworking market and broaden our international know-how. It is also an opportunity to increase value and improve services in the regions.”

About La Poste Immobilier

The real estate arm of Le Groupe La Poste, La Poste Immobilier manages, develops, maintains and promotes a portfolio of more than six million m² and almost 10,000 tertiary, industrial and commercial properties across France. Firmly established in the heart of the French regions, its eight regional offices allow La Poste Immobilier to build close relationships with local economic players. With its emblematic and historic heritage, La Poste Immobilier has developed a unique expertise in the renovation and enhancement of remarkable properties. On behalf of the Group and its branches, it adapts and reinvents La Poste’s real estate assets to contribute to the development of both the towns and cities of today as well as those of the future.

As a responsible real estate player, La Poste Immobilier is committed to facilitating clean last-mile logistics, regenerating city and town centres and their boroughs, supporting local businesses and the circular economy, and improving the biodiversity of its land by contributing its skills and know-how to serve the needs of a real estate portfolio of unparalleled size and diversity.

For further information, please visit laposteimmobilier.fr

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Multiburo joins la poste immobilier group Switzerland
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