[SURVEY] Heading towards new work organisations?

Multiburo reveals the new trends and expectations of workers in 2021. Discover the results of our survey of 470 employees and business leaders.

  • 28/09/2021
[SURVEY] Heading towards new work organisations? - Multiburo

Discover the new expectations of workers and the challenges in terms of work organisation through our exclusive survey!

This year 2021 was marked by a gradual return to the office and, consequently, an evolution of work habits. After 15 months of more or less widespread home office, we are seeing the development of a multitude of hybrid organisations with a mix of face-to-face and remote work.

Uses have changed but one thing is certain: the office remains an essential part of professional life.

How have companies adapted? What are workers' expectations for the end of 2021? Why do they prefer to come to the office rather than work from home? What are their expectations and the challenges for an optimal organisation of work? What about mobility and well-being at work?

Discover the results of the survey (in French) 

During summer, Multiburo conducted a survey with 470 employees, managers and freelancers to better understand their new work habits and their wishes in 2021. The survey was structured around four themes related to the office: the organisation since January 2021, the wished organisation after the summer, professional mobility and well-being at work.

In this back-to-work season 2021, we unveil the exclusive results of our survey through infographics and key figures.

Discover workers' expectations for the last trimester of 2021 and some ideas for setting up a new organisation in an optimal way.

Download the presentation (in French) 

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[SURVEY] Heading towards new work organisations? - Multiburo Switzerland
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