[ WEBINAR ] "How to combine flexibility and QWL?" (in french) - The replay is available

The replay of the webinar "New office/telework organization: 4 tips to combine flexibility and QWL" (in french) is available on the Webikeo website!

  • 30/09/2021
[ WEBINAR ] "How to combine flexibility and QWL?" (in french) - The replay is available - Multiburo

For the past few months, there have been many questions in terms of work organization: flexibility, office/telework mix, flex office, employees' needs and expectations... How to combine going back to the office, telework and QWL?

Flexible and modular solutions exist to help you implement a new, more flexible work organization, including telework, in compliance with QWL principles.

Do you want to watch the replay of our webinar?

It is available on Webikeo !

watch the replay !

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Our advisors are at your disposal, you can contact them by email or by phone : +33 (0)1 72 92 06 60.

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[ WEBINAR ] "How to combine flexibility and QWL?" (in french) - The replay is available - Multiburo Switzerland
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