[WEBINAR] New office/telework organisations: 4 tips to combine flexibility and QWL

Register now, it's free! And discover how to combine hybrid organisation, telework and QWL.

  • 07/09/2021
[WEBINAR] New office/telework organisations: 4 tips to combine flexibility and QWL - Multiburo

Today, we no longer need to go to the office every day. However, the workspace remains essential to QWL. And the return to the office, expected by more than 87% of employees*, is taking on a new dimension with very specific expectations: a hybrid organization, more flexible, which mixes office and telework and allows to work where you want, when you need.

Flexibility, user-friendliness, work comfort, ergonomics, quality of spaces...

How to balance hybrid organization, remote work and QWL? Register now, it's free!

New office/telework organizations: 4 tips for combining flexibility and QWL (in French)

In this webinar, we give you the keys to successfully implement a more flexible work organization while ensuring the well-being and satisfaction of your employees

  1. Offer flexibility in space and time
  2. Putting people back at the heart of the organization
  3. Promote diversity and modularity in your workspaces
  4. (Re)integrate a service dimension into your organization

on Monday Sept. 27th at 11am

register now !

Stéphanie Auxenfans, General Manager of Multiburo shares her experience and advice.

*According to a study conducted by Multiburo among 470 professionals, employees and managers in June/July 2021.

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[WEBINAR] New office/telework organisations: 4 tips to combine flexibility and QWL - Multiburo Switzerland
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