ADS Consult, partner of Multiburo in Brussels

Are you self-employed or starting a business?

As a Multiburo client, our partner ADS Consult offers you 1 hour of free accounting and tax assistance in Brussels..

Take advantage of free support for the creation and management of your company.

Get essential information, advice and quality follow-up on all your accounting needs or any other step necessary for the creation or management of your company.

The accounting and tax firm ADS CONSULT, is dedicated to providing advice and support to entrepreneurs in all administrative procedures related to their business creation or management: access to the profession and registration, choice of legal form, contacts with the bank, modification of the statutes, transfer of headquarters, VAT formalities, etc.

For more information:

ADS Consult, partner of Multiburo in Brussels Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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