Fidiaz's Partnership with Multiburo

Fidiaz : Experts in Finance & Accountancy

Fidiaz is an acknowledged and appreciated Accounting and Tax Advice firm. Our offices located in avenue Louise, Brussels, a location of choice for any international company wishing to establish itself in Belgium as well as to any entrepreneur wanting to launch their business.

A Customer-Focused Service

Their motto : advice without action is unproductive.
Fidiaz is your co-pilot which supports you and acts for the benefit of your business thanks to:

  • A team of qualified advisers
  • A network of experts available on request
  • Bespoke services for setting-up businesses and accounting services for self-employed professionals, business leaders and international structures

The benefits offered to Multiburo customers:

  • 1 hour of “one shot” consulting offered by Fidiaz
  • Preferential rates for business creation, bookkeeping.

Contact :

Kevin Dubois -

Fidiaz's Partnership with Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
Our services
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