iStart Desk's Partnership with Multiburo

an "all-in" solution for setting up your company
in Belgium AND YOUR questions about
international employment.

Are you a new (foreign) company or a new private investor? Would you like to set up a legal entity? 
Are you settled in Belgium and do you employ foreign employees?

Through iStart Desk we offer different office space solutions in combination with legal services related to the set-up of your legal entity, as well as advices for your installation.

iStart Desk services :

1) Set-up legal entity for new (foreign) investors

Legal advice, execution and co-ordination of all legal aspects with regard to the set-up of a legal entity in Belgium :

  • Check-list and assist in preparation of the incorporation formalities
  • Registered address solution
  • Start-up formalities, eg : VAT, social insurance fund, opening company bank account, ...
  • Tax & accounting services through our partners

2) Flexible office solutions & Registered address

3) Support desk for ”International employment”

  • Legal advice on complex immigration & social security cases
  • Execution of day-to-day immigration & social security matters (i.e. Work permits, residence permits, A1, Limosa,...)
  • Tax advice & execution (i.e. Special Expat tax regime,...)
  • Practical Relocation Services (i.e house search, opening bank account, insurances,...)

4) Business network activities

Be Welcome and Multiburo organise networking events & seminars so you can get the chance to meet business owners and start-ups.

Contacts :

+32 (0)3 304 96 00 -

Marc Van Hoof Be Welcome 
Robine BreugelmansMultiburo Antwerp Central Station

iStart Desk's Partnership with Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
Our services
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It’s in good hands. Those of our flexible real estate advisors: offices, coworking, meetings and domiciliation.

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Our Mitwit advisors will get back to you to finalise your request.

See you soon on the Mitwit Network!

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