My Mental Energy's Partnership with Multiburo


Always striving to place well-being at the heart of its business, Multiburo recently partnered with Mental Energy Pro - a mobile app on the well-being and brain efficiency at work.

Jean-Christophe Beau, inspired founder, answers our question. 

How do you perceive working with Multiburo, what is the main benefit you see in our partnership ?

Jean-Christophe Beau: "We are delighted that Multiburo is open to our innovative approaches for its clients and users: it's one more step they are taking to help reconcile efficiency and well-being at work. This allows us to make ourselves known to employees of large and medium-sized companies, and to benefit from the seriousness of Multiburo's image.  Not only in France, but also in Switzerland and Belgium, where we already have distribution partners! ».

+ more info on

My Mental Energy Pro is a rapidly growing start-up that helps all employees to prevent mental overheating and gain concentration through a reasoned use of digital technology for brain ecology.


QVT Innovation Prize at the Préventica 2018 show, Digital Innovation Award 2016, special prize at the Revolution@work start-up competition at La Défense. Member of the HR Lab.

My Mental Energy's Partnership with Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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