Novaa's Partnership with Multiburo

Novaa Expertise missions include : Accounting, company creation, consulting, fiscality.

  • Multiburo and Novaa Expertise can help you when creating a company
  • Mini thematical conferences related to entrepreneurship (company status, business plan, taxation.....) and also some workshops, organised in Multiburo workspaces

Benefits for Multiburo customers :

  • 1 month free  accounting honoraries
  • 1 hour of consulting offered «one shot» by the Novaa Expertise
  • Free permanency by Novaa Expertise counsellors in Multiburo offices
  • Company creation offered  (except legal anouncement and commercial registration fees)

Contact : Sylvain Peureux

Novaa's Partnership with Multiburo Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 00
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