Reload Belgium, Multiburo's partner in Wallonia

Bounce back to better start again, ReLOAD supports Walloon entrepreneurs!

Despite the evolution of mentalities, bankruptcy remains stigmatized in Belgium and in Europe. And at the moment, existing initiatives focus mainly on financial, legal and economic aspects.

Based on this observation, ReLOAD Belgium has chosen to focus on the psychological and personal consequences of bankruptcy: degradation of self-image, loss of confidence, the way others look at you, difficulties in getting back on track...

Founded in 2020, the association brings together a network of volunteers and offers an approach and tools to get out of dead ends and restart a professional activity.

Their objective?

  • To reach out to self-employed people and entrepreneurs in Belgium who are facing bankruptcy or cessation of activities, regardless of their profession.
  • To offer personalized support: coaching, co-development groups, training and mentoring
  • Stop the negative spiral of bankruptcy: rebuild and relaunch!

The initiative is based on a solidarity network based on volunteering and inspired by the French model 60,000 rebonds, Multiburo's partner since 2018. Launched in the Liège region, the ReLOAD Belgium program aims to expand throughout Wallonia.

Supported by private donors, ReLOAD Belgium is carried by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs. A mutual aid that is all the more necessary in these times.

For more information:

To get in touch with ReLOAD : or +32 495 92 44 10

Reload Belgium, Multiburo's partner in Wallonia Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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