Revival, Multiburo's partner in Brussels and in Flanders

« Every entrepreneur has the right to try more than once »

Founded in 2020, Revival is a program for entrepreneurs in Brussels and Flanders who had to close their business due to bankruptcy, liquidation or resale at a loss.

Their objective?

  • To break the isolation and offer personal and professional support
  • To help entrepreneurs reinvent themselves and bounce back after a failure.

How does it work?

For 18 to 24 months, the entrepreneur forms a trio with a coach and a mentor. This innovative approach offers a two-step support:

  1. A recovery after closure
  2. The creation and implementation of a new professional project (entrepreneurial or not)

Entirely free and customized, Revival's coaching offers an individual and collective dynamic and is based on meetings, exchanges, sharing, training and workshops.

The Revival program is designed and executed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.

An initiative of the Pulse Foundation, which, following the Covid crisis, wants to support the resilience of Belgian entrepreneurship and encourage a change of perspective on entrepreneurial failure.

To get in touch with Revival: or + 32 473 85 97 14

For more information:

Revival, Multiburo's partner in Brussels and in Flanders Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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