Multiburo offers you 1 month of free office space with a minimum 6 month commitment*.

Your offices: a strategic address, a flexible contract and 1 month free to set up! At our sites in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Lyon Part-Dieu, Nantes East, Lille North, Paris Avenue Montaigne, Brussels Avenue Louise and Wavre North.

Take advantage of your free month!

Flexible office rental in Wavre and Brussels Louizalaan

Assemble, modify, transform :
Create a workspace that reflects your image with Mitwit Office



Take advantage of your free month!


Your future offices: accelerate your growth while sharing the pleasure of meeting your teams

Ask for more information on our tailor-made offers

Mitwit Office offers you the first month of your private offices on condition of a minimum 6 month commitment. Offer valid at Mitwit Office Neuilly avenue Charles de Gaulle, Lille Nord, Nantes Est, Mitwit Office avenue Montaigne, Lyon Part-Dieu in France, at Wavre and Brussels avenue Louise in Belgium, and at Geneva in Switzerland.

Contact us for further information >>

*Limited offer until 31 March 2023, subject to availability of office space!

Flexible office rental in Wavre and Brussels Louizalaan Switzerland
+41 (0) 22 561 84 00
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