Together towards new horizons: Multiburo and Startway join forces!

A year ago, La Poste Immobilier, a property company in the La Poste group and already a shareholder in Startway, decided to pursue its development in the field of coworking and serviced offices by becoming the main shareholder in Multiburo. As a result, from 1 July, Multiburo and Startway will become a single company.

  • 23/06/2023
Together towards new horizons: Multiburo and Startway join forces!

Our new group: over 50 addresses in France and Europe

Thanks to our combined locations, Multiburo and Startway offer a complementary network: with more than 50 locations in France, Belgium and Switzerland, our union offers a stronger territorial network, unprecedented among coworking and shared workspaces, making us one of the European leaders in our sector. And we'll be strengthening our presence over the years. Our aim is to have more than 100 locations in France and Europe by 2027, and we'll be expanding our range of services in line with emerging needs and practices.

In this way, we will be making a significant contribution to the flexibility of companies of all sizes by offering them spaces that respond to a new urban dynamic, where the regions are now strong centres of economic development, and to current practices where the office must embody a destination that is both professional and human.

Our presence at the heart of towns and territories and our membership of La Poste group mean that we are committed to development that respects our society and our environment.

We are, and always will be, committed to developing our facilities with the aim of making them more sustainable, focused on people and service. Our commitment will be embodied in a development strategy that takes account of ecological and human aspects.

What are the changes to come?

If you are a Multiburo SA customer, your invoices will now be issued under the name of MWPI SAS, headquartered at 58-60 Avenue de la Grande Armée, 75017 Paris. Our customers at the Multiburo centers Gare de Lyon, Gare Saint-Lazare, Gare Montparnasse, Multiburo Genève and those in Belgium are not affected by these changes.

No other administrative or accounting changes are planned between now and December 31, 2023.

The two brands Multiburo and Startway will continue to be commercially active. Our merger will have no impact on jobs within our companies.

Do you have any questions? Our teams are available to answer them. You can also write to us at 


This merger marks a new chapter in the history of coworking. Do you give meaning to your work? We'll give meaning to your offices!

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Together towards new horizons: Multiburo and Startway join forces! Switzerland
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