
Discover all Mitwit's news in France, Belgium and Switzerland.

A lot is happening at Mitwit ! New workspaces, new adresses, partnerships, events, advantages, special offers...All our online news to help you (tele)work happy !

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    • 03/05/2023

    Travailler dans un bureau : 3 avantages et 3 inconvénients

    La crise sanitaire a bouleversé les manières de travailler. Brusquement, le télétravail s’est imposé comme la norme, indispensable à la poursuite de l’activité. Mais quelques mois plus tard, le présentiel n’a pas dit son dernier mot… Pour quelles raisons et avec quelles nouveautés ? Décryptage.

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    • 23/03/2023

    New buzzwords at work

    The professional world is evolving and we are more and more hearing new words at work. Burn-out, brown out,... What do they mean?

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    • 02/03/2023

    How to terminate a classic lease?

    The business world is evolving and turning more and more towards flexible spaces and hybrid work. This is transforming rental strategies... Faced with the flexibility of coworking, the traditional lease is still resisting.

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    • 20/02/2023

    Setting up in Switzerland: what are the right reflexes to adopt before setting up your business in Switzerland?

    When an entrepreneur wants to set up in Switzerland, many administrative steps are necessary. Karpeo is a privileged partner for entrepreneurs looking for tailor-made support and dedicated accounting services for their business. Specialised in assisting companies at every stage of their development, Karpeo offers personalised support on a daily basis to face all the challenges linked to the management of one's business.

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    • 03/01/2023

    Coworking: finding shared work spaces in Belgium

    Find a coworking space in Brussels, Antwerp or Wavre to work in the heart of Europe. Develop your business in the heart of Europe. Belgium offers ideal international connections for workers who are often on the move.

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    • 08/12/2022

    Fini les clés et les codes perdus, Multiburo Nantes Congrès s’équipe de casiers connectés !

    Découvrez le casier connecté : un équipement indispensable en entreprise, en exclusivité dans notre espace de coworking de Multiburo Nantes Congrès.

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+41 (0) 22 561 84 84
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